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スマイルBEST::エターナル・サンシャイン DTSスペシャル・エディション [ ジム・キャリー ]のレビューは!?

30代 男性さん
コメディアンの印象が強いジムキャリーにしてはシリアスな演技の映画です。 ちょっと彼の印象が換わるかもしれませんよ。お勧めの一作ですね。廉価版も出たことですしこの機会にぜひって感じですかね?

30代 男性さん
【Eternal Sunshine Between Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet】 The first time I saw this film, I felt strangely unfulfilled. I'd seen the trailer, heard the hype and expected an experience that never really came. Rising up from my seat, I turned to my wife and said, "Good film. Let's go." I'm not quite sure why everybody loved this film, while I didn't, but I think it has something to do with the herd mentality in Hollywood, where the moment somebody hits a nerve, there's a rush to make a dozen films like it. In the five-year period leading up to this film, there were a lot of "perception" films, about what we see, what we think we see, and what we remember, what we thought we remembered and perhaps what we wanted to remember. After Joel (Jim Carrey) finds out that his ex-girlfriend Clementine (Kate Winslet) has had him erased from her mind, he decides to do the same with memories of her. He has no idea what he has gotten himself into, though, as mid-process he overhears a disturbing conversation going on in the room outside his unconscious state. Suddenly everything seems to be going wrong. He realizes that he doesn't want to lose all memory of Clementine and spends his time running with her through his mind, trying to escape the "erasers." In this wonderfully twisted story, each character seems to be connected in one way or another, just like the web of thoughts and memories of the mind. The company's secretary (Kirsten Dunst) is a seemingly innocent girl who holds a surprising secret that even she doesn't know. One of the erasers (Elijah Wood) is deviously up to no good. And Joel, a man dealing with the pain of loss and the constant reminder lingering in his thoughts, realizes that some things should never be forgotten. If you want a visual and thought provoking trip, with good acting and storyline, and tossed in with a healthy dosage of crazy, than look no further than !Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.! Your mind needs a movie this good.*****

30代 女性さん

自分が一番好きだった人のことを思い出させるような可愛い恋愛話です。 嫌な記憶を消す装置・・・、そんなことありえない摩訶不思議な話かと思いきや、純粋なラブストーリーは展開されていきます。 もし、あなたは大好きだった人とケンカ別れしたら、その人のこと、一生忘れたいですか? 恋ってツライことがあっても、どれも忘れちゃいけない気がする。 アカデミーの脚本賞取ってなかったっけ? 言葉がすべてサイコーです!